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Music Ministry

Bell Choir

Bell Choir

The St. Edward's Bell Choir is open to adults and students, 7th grade and up, who have some musical background. We concentrate on playing in the church for Advent, Christmas, and Easter. Rehearsals are scheduled on Monday evenings from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. a few weeks in advance of when the Bell Choir plays.



Terry Halverson

Phone: (518) 371-9164



Cantors are a vital part of our music ministry at St. Edward’s. Cantors are considered ministers of the Word, and they must communicate in a way that invites active participation from the assembly. Understanding and appreciation of Scripture, vocal facility, poetic interpretation, and expressive skills are most important to the role of the cantor. All those interested in proclaiming God’s word in song are encouraged to consider this ministry. Cantors lead music at Masses throughout the year on a rotating basis. We rehearse on the first and third Mondays of each month at 6:30 p.m. in the Church and welcome new members.


Mary Jo Brue

Phone: (518) 371-7372 x223


The Choristers

The Choristers, St. Edward’s children's choir, is open to all children in grades 1 through 8. The Choristers generally rehearse on three Thursday afternoons each month, and sing at one Mass each month. The children are not only learning about our Catholic music traditions, they are learning about the Mass and about our faith. We enjoy making music together and singing at Mass, as well as having a great time at rehearsals. Please encourage your child to join the Choristers – all are welcome!


Mary Jo Brue

Phone: (518) 371-7372 x223


Family Ensemble

Our latest addition to the Music Ministry is the Family Ensemble, where moms, dads, and children lead music together for liturgy. Each family rehearses separately for the particular liturgy for which they are assigned. What a great opportunity for families to share their talents with each other and with the community! Share your love of music and your faith with your children and our parish!


Mary Jo Brue

Phone: (518) 371-7372 x223


Funeral Choir (On Hiatus Due to COVID-19 Pandemic)

Our funeral choir, which meets on an as-needed basis, provides musical comfort and solace to the bereaved families at the funerals of their loved ones. The Funeral Choir is available on short notice and since funerals are generally in the morning at St. Edward’s, many of our members are retired or otherwise free in the morning. Occasional rehearsals keep the Funeral Choir polished and accomplished. If you are available, please consider joining this worthwhile ministry.



Mary Jo Brue

Phone: 518) 371-7372 x223


Thursday Choir

The Thursday Choir, St. Edward's Contemporary Ensemble, rehearses on Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. All singers and instrumentalists in 9th grade and up are welcome. The Thursday Choir plays a mix of traditional Catholic hymns and beautiful new contemporary music that expands upon our Catholic tradition. Rehearsals are relaxed and fun, and members of the group enjoy the many friendships that have developed as well as the challenge of learning new music. Consider sharing your talents with the Thursday Choir. We would love to have you join us!



Mary Jo Brue

Phone: 518) 371-7372 x223


Wednesday Choir 


Our traditional adult choir meets every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. in the church to sing, share stories, laugh and support each other. We welcome any new choir members in all parts, as well as instrumentalists. Please, come and join our ‘joyful noise’ group!



Andrew Sutton

Phone: (518) 371-7372 x229


Youth Ensemble (On Hiatus Due to COVID-19 Pandemic)

The St. Edward's Youth Ensemble is a group of singers and instrumentalists, grades 7th through 12th, who come together to share their love of music. We generally rehearse each Monday night at 6:30 p.m. and lead the music at Mass twice a month. It is a great opportunity to make new friends, have a great time, and learn about the Mass and our Lord in a relaxed environment. If you are looking for a way to have a fun time while also sharing your gift of music with our community we would love to have you come make music with us!



Andrew Sutton

Phone: (518) 371-7372 x229


The Choristers
Thursday Choir
Wednesday Choir
Youth Ensemble


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