"Synodaility is the way of being the Church today according to the will of God, in a dynamic of discerning and listening together to the voice of the Holy Spirit."
-Pope Francis
Our Holy Father Pope Francis has invited the Catholic Church to embark on a journey together. Through listening and discernment rooted in the Holy Spirit, the entire people of God will be called to contribute to a process by which the Church deepens in understanding of Her mission and looks toward the future.
A Synod, which is the process by which the Church will begin this important work is not just a convening of Bishops reflecting on a particular topic and advising the Pope. A Synod is a journey of discernment, in which the people of God are called to pray and reflect upon the Holy Spirit’s will for the Church. Through our listening and our sharing, we will seek to understand what the Holy Spirit’s will is for the Church so that we may continue to fulfill our mission to evangelize in the world.
For the 2023 Ordinary Synod of Bishops, that topic is synodality. Simply put, synodality is discerning how the Spirit is moving through and with the Body of Christ, so that we may continue to fulfill our mission to evangelize in the world.
Southern Saratoga County Network of Catholic Churches Listening Session
Wednesday, June 15, 6:30 PM
St. Edward the Confessor, Clifton Park
The parishes of All Saints on the Hudson, Corpus Christi, St. Edward the Confessor, and St. Mary's, Crescent have come together to hold a listening session. The listening session will be hosted at St. Edward the Confessor. The format will be similar to the diocesan listening sessions and the sessions will be guided by a facilitator utilizing universal questions and provide the opportunity for small group breakout sessions.
Some questions that will be asked are:
What have been your experiences of church? What have been your joys, hopes, and disappointments? When have you felt connected? When have you felt disconnected?
What might the church learn from your experiences? What new dreams and surprising visions for the Church might God be inspiring?
What actions can you take? What actions should be taken by your parish or the diocese?
If you can't go to a session but still want to be a part of the conversation you can email your thoughts to: sscnsynod@nycap.rr.com
In preparation for our diocesan consultations, the Diocese offered three webinars. All priests, parish life coordinators, administrators, parish staff's, parishioners, and others were invited to attend these free events. As more events are added we will continue to keep you informed.
What is the Synod and Why Should I Care? Part 1: A True Season of the Spirit
What is the Synod and Why Should I Care? Part 2: Walking & Listening Together
What is the Synod and Why Should I Care? Part 3: All the Baptized – Co-responsible for Mission

The Prayer of the Synod: Adsumus Sancte Spiritus
We stand before You, Holy Spirit, as we gather together in Your name.
With You alone to guide us, make Yourself at home in our hearts;
Teach us the way we must go and how we are to pursue it.
We are weak and sinful; do not let us promote disorder.
Do not let ignorance lead us down the wrong path nor partiality influence our actions.
Let us find in You our unity so that we may journey together to eternal life and not stray from the way of truth and what is right.
All this we ask of You, who are at work in every place and time, in the communion of the Father and the Son, forever and ever.