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R.C.I.A. (The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)

What is RCIA?


Have you ever heard the initials RCIA??? They stand for the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults. This is the Roman Catholic Church’s official collection of rites for initiating adults and for receiving baptized candidates into the Church.


The RCIA is not a program. Rather, it is a process. It is a process of formation in prayer, of receiving and discussing information about the Church’s teachings, and of transformation. All of this comes from a growing awareness of need for a personal conversion to Jesus Christ. And all of this is done within the context of a faith community – a parish, such as ours here at St. Edward’s. It is no longer a process where a person comes to a parish alone for one-on-one sessions, previously known as “convert classes”. Instead, interested and inquiring people come to a parish to be greeted by a community of believers – members of the parish who are willing to share their time and their faith to help receive them into full communion with the Church that they, themselves, are part of.


The RCIA process is designed for:

-Non-baptized adults seeking membership in the Christian Catholic community:

-Adults baptized in other Christian communities who seek full communion with the Roman Catholic Church

-Adults baptized as Catholics, but never confirmed


Currently there are three volunteers working weekly starting late fall until after the Easter season. Training is required and available.


For more information please contact the parish office at (518) 371-7372 x221


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