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Prayer & Worship / Sacraments

Altar Care

Altar Care Washing / Ironing

Assist with laundering of purificators & other linens on a rotating schedule. Training is provided.


Linda Margitan

Phone: (518) 371-3843


Altar Cleaning

Clean altar area and Chapel on a rotating schedule.


Mary Ellen Caruso


Altar Servers

Adults and children who have made their First Communion are invited to participate in the Altar Server ministry. Training sessions are offered. Click here for more information on Altar Servers.


Fr. Dan McHale


Centering Prayer

The primary purpose of our Centering Prayer group is to help sustain the commitment to a regular practice of Centering Prayer. We gather to practice Centering Prayer together, to deepen our understanding of Centering Prayer , and to share personal experiences of the Centering Prayer practice and its effect in our daily lives. The group provides community support for the spiritual journey. We meet on the second and fourth Saturday of the month in the chapel at 9:00 AM. All are welcome.


We are affiliated with the Albany Chapter of Contemplative Outreach,


Sally Gilpin

Phone: (518) 952-7274


Claudia Heyer

Phone: 518-766-0182


Daily Mass Prep


Prepare the Church for the celebration of daily liturgy, excluding Thursday. Training will be provided.


Gail Casey

Phone: 518-441-9450


Eucharistic Ministers

Extra Ordinary Eucharistic Ministers are members of the St. Edward’s Community whose ministry is the distribution of the consecrated bread and wine at all liturgies. All Eucharistic Ministers are encouraged to bring communion to the sick or the homebound. However, some ministers are dedicated to just the sick and homebound ministry. One training session is provided focusing on the theology of the Eucharist, and practical aspects of the reverent distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ.



Rit DiCaprio


Evening Prayer

Evening Prayer is offered each Tuesday during Advent and Lent at 7:00 p.m. The services are a Taize inspired opportunity for reflective prayer including sung incense psalms, hymns, a Scripture reading and a personal reflection. It is a chance to step away from the busyness of modern life and join the community in quiet reflective prayer. The Music Ministry vitally supports this ministry by providing instrumental and vocal talents.


Chris Hannan

Phone: (518) 852-9664

First Saturday Devotion

The group meets at 3:00 PM in the Chapel on the first Saturday of the month to pray the rosary for peace in the world in response to Our Lady's request.



Marie Krupski

Phone: (518) 888-0164

Funeral Ministry

Ministers participate in the preparation of funeral liturgies and assist during the liturgies. This is an on-call ministry, Monday – Saturday. Training is offered as new participants join the team.


Contact (If interested in Volunteering):

Marie Krupski

Phone: (518) 888-0164


This ministry is for those that like to meet new people, welcome those coming into mass and distribute worship aids. Greeters are asked to arrive 30 minutes prior to the start of mass. This is a wonderful ministry that a family can participate in together and an opportunity to meet members of our community. Volunteers are always welcome!


Elsa Jimenez


Holy Hour

Our Eucharistic Adoration is held every Tuesday immediately following the 9:00 a.m. Mass in our Church. Join us for a few minutes or an hour of quiet with the Lord.


Ann Day

Phone: (518) 371- 7494


Hosanna Prayer Group

Everyone is welcome to meet for prayer, scripture, song and personal sharing every Thursday from 7:00-9:00 p.m. in the Faith Formation wing of the building. The group is currently meeting via Zoom due to Covid.


John Longacker

Phone: (518) 371-3030

Sally Gilpin

Phone: (518) 952-7274



This ministry proclaims the Word of God for the assembly, making it understandable, inspirational and alive. 


Chris Hannan


Rosary Making

Parishioners make rosaries for distribution to schools, parishes, nursing homes, hospitals and prisons in the Albany Diocese and to missions around the world. Meetings are the 1st Monday of each month at 10:00 am in the Parish Center.


Mary Ellen Caruso



Jackie Taylor


Spanish Mass

The San Eduardo Community is pleased to invite you to celebrate the Spanish Mass every 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month at 6:00 PM. After Mass on the 3rd Saturday of the month the community shares a potluck dinner (On hold). All Spanish speakers and learners are welcomed to come together for worship and community.

The link to our Albany Diocese Spanish Apostolate page is:


Ushers help with seating and orderly movement of the faithful during liturgical services. Ushers also ensure the safety and comfort of the congregation and are responsive to requests for information, assistance, gathering collections, and distributing the weekly bulletin at the conclusion of the Liturgy. Ushers work directly with Mass coordinators in identifying families and individuals to bring the gifts to the Altar as well as insuring there are a sufficient number of Eucharistic ministers in place prior to the start of worship.


Bonnie Westlake, Parish Secretary

Phone: (518) 371-7372 x221

Welcome Center

Jesus welcomed everyone.  Everyone belonged.  Our Welcome center is that opportunity for us to smile, to share the church and community activities, and most importantly to welcome, to recognize, to embrace, to smile and listen to all of our church family.

Volunteering to staff the Welcome Center for 30 minutes after a weekend Mass is assisting others in understanding the events going on in our church and in our diocese.    Before going into Mass, we read the announcements that are provided at the Welcome Center, view the Bulletin Board and other sign ups or collection initiatives, such as the school supply and winter coat collections, happening in the Gathering Area so that we can share this information with our church family. Parish registration forms are also available.  It feels good when we are acknowledged at church either by greeters or our other communicants.  We need people to do the same for others.  All volunteers will receive an introduction to the process.  We welcome all of you to participate. 


Bonnie Westlake, Parish Secretary

Phone: (518) 371-7372 x221

Altar Cleaning
Altar Servers
Daily Mass
Evening Prayer
Holy Hour
First Saturday Devotion
Welcome Center


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