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Sacrament of First Reconciliation & First Communion

First Reconciliation


This sacrament has its origins in the human experience of sin and alienation. This is part of the human experience. The sacrament responds to the human need to be made whole, to be restored, renewed, and reconciled. While young children prior to the reception of their First Eucharist may not be morally aware of sin, they are more often than not aware of the distinction between right and wrong. Their experience of First Reconciliation provides children with an early opportunity to understand and practice moral discernment, a lifelong discipline.


First Eucharist


As Christians we know that the Eucharist has its origins in what Jesus said and did at the Last Supper and in his command “do this in memory of me”. Eucharist is an activity of the church – taking, giving thanks, breaking and giving. Jesus’ words of blessing are intimately connected with his deeds. When we gather to celebrate Eucharist we do not merely re-enact what Jesus did at the Last Supper. The Eucharist is a memorial, the remembrance of a past historical event of great significance, because that event is still meaningful today and will be so in the future. It is a unique style of remembrance that makes Christ present.


For more information regarding our Second Grade Sacramental Program please call Noreen Hayden at 518-371-7372 x233


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